About CBD

CBD Oil be consumed in a variety of different ways including taking capsules and tablets, eating or drinking a whole range off CBD infused foods and cbd drink. CBD can also be vaped using a traditional vape mod, it is also added to skincare products so that the active ingredients are absorbed by applying them to the skin or dissolving them in the bath.


Common Misconceptions About CBD

CBD is purely medical

While many people think of CBD as the “medical part” of the marijuana plant and THC as the “recreational part,” CBD can also be used recreationally to improve mood or as a way to relax.

CBD still gets you high.

While it’s true that CBD comes from the same plant as THC, it does in fact not get you high. In fact, some experts argue the opposite is true, that it counteracts the effects of the THC.

CBD will make you sleepy.

Very high doses of CBD can be sleep-promoting, but CBD in itself is not a sedative. Moderate doses of CBD are said to be energizing, causing feelings of alertness and focus, similar to caffeine.

CBD shows up on drug tests.

Drug tests screened for THC, the psycho-active agent in cannabis. CBD is non-psychoactive and non-intoxicating compound. Most CBD has a negligible amount of THC and isolate CBD is THC-free.

CBD from hemp isn’t CBD.

Many people think CBD should be sourced from marijuana plants rather than hemp. CBD is just as powerful if sourced from a hemp plant versus a marijuana plant if the hemp plant used is female.


Contact us

If you have any questions at all regarding any of our products, please don't hesitate to drop us an email at support@omnibong.co.uk, or give us a call on 0203 488 3095.